Friday, June 5, 2009


(<-- Pictured: Me, the day I was sworn into the Wisconsin Bar)

My precious--that is, Maxii--insisted I start a blog. Apparently, it's too difficult to comment on my random nuggets of wisdom at twitter. (ahem, that's You can join Maxii's insanity here.

So first, let me introduce myself. I am Erica. I am a licensed attorney in Wisconsin, soon-to-be-licensed in Texas. I am applying for every job I am even vaguely qualified for from here to Washington, D.C.

As far as interests go, I watch 4 shows: Heroes, Lost, 24, and Criminal Mind. I'm a member of messages boards for Heroes and CM. I love books too, and am currently reading The Inheritor by Marion Zimmer Bradley. Maybe my 2nd blog post will be a review.



    Glad to see you've started a blog! Going to be one of those who reads your updates, feel free to comment on mine if you decide to read them sometime. :)

    Can't wait for the next one!

  2. Hi, I'm Jessica and I'm NOT licensed in Wisconsin because I refuse to turn in my application. Could I be any more of a loser? Probably not.

  3. Who is this awesome person named Maxii that you keep on mentioning?! She must be a cool person!

    IT'S HARD FOR ME TO LEAVE YOU COMMENTS when twitter is down,and you're not on AIM because you're drunnnnnk...

    ...or I'm passed out because I had no sleep for over 40 hours...

    hot drunk lawyer are you!
